Classic Writing: European Clubbing Tour 2000

The summer of 2000 was indeed a busy one for me, one mainly spent in various European countries. Having crossed the pond to a attend a big family wedding in Sweden, I figured that I should better make myself useful while I was over there. So, I convinced my various music magazines that they should print dispatches of mine about the clubs in Europe while I was over there.

Well, one thing led to another, and before I knew it, I had set up a month-long solo clubbing trek across the continent. The route ended up being Berlin, Munich, Prague, Amsterdam, Paris and London. Along the way, I managed to talk my way into some of the most exclusive clubs and events in all of those cities, including the Union Move parade in Munich, Les Bains Douches and Le Queen in Paris, and Ministry Of Sound in London. Needless to say, it was an amazing month, and now you can read about it in a pair of travel diaries I wrote for Insider magazine. Hope that they encourage you to make your own journey.


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