Carole King & James Taylor - live

Just found out today that the Hollywood Reporter is using my images (or at least one of them) from the Carole King/James Taylor show I shot the other day in Anaheim in today's edition of the paper. They're using the above picture in their online review of the show. I shot the show from the floor at the Honda Center, surrounded by what must have been around 16,000 Baby Boomers...made me feel mighty young by comparison. Of course, I only got to shoot the first three songs--as usual--but I must say that they looked and sounded in fine form.
Going to be shooting Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner tomorrow night at the Egyptian Theater--that should be fun. With a little luck I'll be at Brian May's book signing next Tuesday...when I have a little more time, I'll tell the story of how I have a genuine (if admittedly tiny) connection to Queen. Gotta run for now, though...
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