DJ MAG re-post #4 - ZONE FIGHTER

This early 1970s Toho-produced Ultraman clone almost certainly wouldn’t have attracted much attention outside of its native Japan were it not for one very important distinction: the inclusion of the classic Toho kaijus Godzilla, King Ghidora and Gigan. Made at the same time as the low point of the Godzilla series, Ryusei Ningen Zon’s action sequences are actually superior to the big-screen Godzilla work much of the time, in spite of the show’s miniscule SFX budget. Yes, it aims straight for the kids, but its charm holds up even after all this time, and it’s an entertaining footnote in the Godzilla universe. Note: This series is not officially available in the U.S., but can be found…unofficially.


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