The Beginning Of The Blog

Hello! Well, all blogs have to start somewhere, so it might as well be here, right? So I suppose I should first and foremost say, welcome. I can only say that throughout the life of this blog, I'll do my best to convey just what goes through a photographers' mind when they navigate through the bizarre entertainment wonderland that is Los Angeles, California. I can't promise that I'll be posting every little bit of minutae that pop into my head every day, but I'll do my best to offer a peek into my world, and hopefully keep whoever deigns to read my words entertained. And yes, that is me up on that banner.
With a little luck, this will be the start of something good. Of course, I'll need your help and attention to make it so, so please feel free to leave comment, and let other people know about the blog, 'k? See you again soon!
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